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Indoor Air Quality

Annual Maintenance Services

Did you know that poor air quality can have adverse effects on your health?

You may be surprised, but a poorly working or unclean HVAC system doesn’t just prevent you from having optimal indoor temperatures, it can also lead to health problems (short and long term). Besides, being a reputable HVAC service, we are committed to making sure that your home is clean and safe.

If your heating or cooling system has developed a fault or has been poorly maintained, it begins to attract bacteria. So, when you continue to use your system, you will be pumping bad bacteria into your home or commercial space. Moreover, according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) “Many of these biological contaminants are small enough to be inhaled.” Thus, it is essential that you regularly have your HVAC system serviced and cleaning, to prevent long and short term health problems.

At American HVAC Staff, we always recommend that you schedule your heating or cooling system in for a service every six months. Generally, it’s best to have one in the summer and one in the winter, because you will probably be using your A/C unit in the summer and heating in the winter. This recommendation will ensure that your air quality is clean and safe all year round.

In fact, there has been much research surrounding the adverse effects of dirty and dysfunctional HVAC systems. According to the National Institute and the Division of Occupational Health (DOHS), they found that dirty ducts can cause microbial and bacterial growth, even in a fully functional HVAC system.

Here are some of the potential illnesses/symptoms caused by your dust/dirt in HVAC ducts:

  • Red eyes and tearing/watering
  • Respiratory problems
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Sneezy
  • Resection
  • Reoccurring colds

Therefore, if you can relate to some (or worse all) of the above symptoms, it might be time to schedule your heating/cooling unit in for a service. Regardless if you opt to use American HVAC staff, you need to ensure you have a clean unit for your health.

Our quality heating and cooling services will ensure that you have clean and safe indoor air quality in your home or commercial space. At American HVAC Staff, it isn’t just about providing optimal air conditioning and heating but guaranteeing that you have high indoor air quality, which is why we are the best HVAC service in Houston, TX. You can rely on American HVAC Staff to make your home comfortable and safe.